Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Welcome to the Pop'Comm Monitoring Station Program

STEP 1: Access the Pop'Comm Monitoring Station ID Database

You may use it to assure the monitoring station identification sign preferences you are requesting have not already been granted to another listening post.

CLICK HERE to access the Pop'Comm Monitoring Station Identification Sign Database.

It is also a good link to visit from time to time to see what listening posts are new to the program.

HINT: A simple way to search the database is to press Control F (press ctrl and the letter F), which will open a search window. Type in your last name and press ENTER. The database will automatically be searched for your name. If there is another person with your last name, simply press ENTER again and the search function will continue looking for your last name.

VISIT: Popular Communications magazine's Internet homepage. Read our Monitoring column every month in Pop'Comm, with the latest updates on the Pop'Comm Monitoring Station program. Click here, or visit: < http://www.Popular-Communications.com >.

STEP 2: Sending Your Email Request for a Monitoring Station ID Sign

To apply for a Pop'Comm Monitoring Station station identification sign, send an email with the following information to <popcommmonitor@gmail.com>:

Your full name
Your city, state and country
Your preferred email address
Your top three station identification signs

You are invited to comment on why a particular station identification sign would be special to you.

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Sample email:

John Smith
Boston, MA USA
First choice: WPC1VOA
Second choice: WPC1DEF
Third choice: KPC1GHI

Comment: When I was 10 years old the first station I ever heard on my Hallicrafters S-38 shortwave receiver was the Voice of America (VOA). From that moment I was hooked on SWLing and have been doing it ever since! So, WPC1VOA would be the perfect station ID sign for me.

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Two- and three letter suffixes will be issued on a first-come basis. For complete details about the Pop'Comm Monitoring Station Program and how it is structured, refer to the January 2012 edition of Popular Communications beginning on page 18.

Please direct questions regarding the Pop'Comm Monitoring Station Program to:

Jason Feldman, WPC2COD,
Director, Pop'Comm Monitoring Station Registration

STEP 3: Wait Until Your Station ID Sign Is 'Official'

After you've sent your Pop'Comm Monitoring Station Program station ID sign request to <popcommmonitor@gmail.com>, please WAIT until you see your station ID sign, name, date of issuance and location appear in the official online database:

Click here to visit the Pop'Comm Monitoring Station database.

Again, a simple way to search the database is to press Control F (ctrl and F), which will open a search window. Type in your last name and press ENTER. The database will automatically be searched for your name.

Remember, you are not officially registered in the program until you are listed in the database. We will process requests as quickly as possible, but please be patient.

STEP 4: Downloading and Filling In Your PCMS Certificate

Once you see your station ID sign, name, date of issuance and location appear in the Pop'Comm Monitoring Station Program online database, it's time to download and fill in your official monitoring station certificate.

Simply scroll to the blog entry after this one that is titled DOWNLOAD: Your Pop'Comm Monitoring Station Certificate of Registration. At the lower right of the screen you will see several icons. You'll want to click on the downward arrow, which is the DOWNLOAD function. It is circled in RED on the sample illustration below. The certificate will be downloaded to your desktop, download folder, or wherever downloads are normally filed on your computer.

Once it has downloaded to your computer, find the file and open it. You are now preparing to open the fields to type in your personal information.

NOTE: It may take your computer a minute or two to fully load the certificate to make it fully functional. When you click on one of the fields to be filled in - your name, for example - a box will appear on your screen titled: Cannot Save Form Information. This simply means the information you type into the certificate will not be saved. You must print the certificate after you've filled in all of the fields. You can open the download as many times as you like, though, and fill in the fields to print as many certificates as you'd like.

DOWNLOAD: Your Pop'Comm Monitoring Station Certificate of Registration


If you are having trouble downloading the Pop'Comm Monitoring Station Certificate of Registration or are unable to fill in the blanks, we'll be glad to help you.

Send a business size, self addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) to:

Pop'Comm Monitoring Station Program
c/o Jason Feldman, WPC2COD
25 Newbridge Rd.
Hicksville, NY 11801-2953 USA

We'll mail your certificate to you!